Please join WaterStrong for a facilitated conversation about how being in, near, around or under water can make you happier, healthier, more connected and better at what you do. In our first ever WaterStrong Rainy Days Book Club, we are reading Blue Mind by Wallace Nichols.
Please join a facilitated conversation about the book and the human experience of water on World Water Day, March 22nd, from 5-6:30p via Teams.
Here's a little teaser to entice you to join the discussion:
A Texan named Bobby Lane came to Operation Surf to cross surfing off his bucket list; after returning home from the camp he planned to kill himself. Lane, twenty-seven years old, suffered a traumatic brain injury while serving in the US Marine Corps in Iraq. Back home, like so many other he battled PTSD and couldn’t sleep due to incessant nightmares. He says Operation Surf not only changed his life, it saved his life. Surfing also allowed him to get his first good night’s sleep in years. Dreams about water replaced his midnight terrors, Blue Mind at its most potent. “Giving up on life isn’t an option,” he says. Now, as I see it, if life gets too hard, there’s always the ocean. (p.171)
Read as much of the book as you can, and log in for a friendly conversation.